Submission Guidelines

Deadline for abstract submission - September 20th.


We are pleased to inform that the abstract submission for the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Aveiro’s Meeting (MIRAM 2017) is now open up to 20th of September. For each contribution one participant intents to present, regardless of category, an abstract must be submitted. Submissions must be original, describing finished work and towards which all mentioned authors contributed relevantly. Abstracts of undergoing studies, with data collection or analysis incomplete, will not be accepted.

Each abstract must point out whether it has been published or accepted for publication in other previous national or international events. In an affirmative situation, authors shall procure the necessary copyrights for publishing in the Meeting abstract book, if needed.

The authors are responsible for deciding the information that should be included in the abstract. Number of authors must be up to seven and at least one must be registered in the Meeting. Authors will be informed of abstract acceptance, up to October 1st, to the corresponding address indicated. Each author can present a maximum of two abstracts. The presenting author must register to the Meeting up to October 2nd (benefiting from the reduced Meeting fee) and be available at the assigned schedule. The Meeting’s official languages are both Portuguese and English.


Categories of presentations and abstract requirements

Presentations will be made orally or through posters.

  • Oral presentation – 8 min for presentation and 2 min for discussion (10 minutes total). Authors must send the final presentation by October 11th via e-mail, in PPT or PDF, otherwise the organization do not assure the presentation using technological devices.
  • Posters – will be available during the poster session, at which point authors should be presenting their poster. Final version must be delivered to the staff members by October 13th. Please, use the poster template available below.

Scientific Committee will decide the final category (oral or poster presentation) of the submitted work.


Abstracts should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12, with spacing between lines of 1,5, in one of the official languages (Portuguese or English) and must be submitted through the Meeting’s official platform, as follows:
1. Presenting author

Full name





2. other authors






3. Abstract Title – 20 words maximum

4. Abstract text – 300 words maximum, with the following structure:

Background – the need and relevance of the study

Objectives of the study

Material and methods – sampling, data collection and analysis and used instruments

Results – main results of the study

Conclusion – main conclusions of the study

Keywords – between 3 and 5 (MESH terms)


Abstracts will be grouped by theme. Please mark the appropriate field for your abstract.

Abstracts in disagreement with these guidelines will be rejected.


Abstract Template

Poster Template


